Wi-Fi direct based multi-hop file transfer application for cloud based routing
In this project are applications for Android WiFi direct communication and cloud-based file synchronization have been developed. WiFi Direct technology is used to transfer files between two devices without using any access point. Distributed file systems for the cloud is a file system that enables customers to have access to the same data or file provides important operational. WiFi Direct application trying to create an ad - hoc network to transfer files wirelessly by using WiFi in android application and run on multi device. Besides, to customize the channel according to the user demand, this project also required cognitive radio. The log file is generated in this application to save all the detection information to keep track of the connection detail of the device. Finally, log files are stored in the cloud for further processing and security. The application can be implemented in Android smartphones using Eclipse Development Tools (ADT). This tool is used with Eclipse IDE with Java language. The results showed that the performance of WiFi Direct discovery Service and Cognitive Radio application are successfully working and able to generate log files. Finally, the cloud based storage application synchronizes the generated log files to the cloud storage. As a result, file can transfer in multi-hop by using smartphone A and smartphone B through wifi direct application. Smartphone B is the intermediate to transfer file in cloud based storage.