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dc.contributor.authorSiti Nurul Fatihah, Abdullah
dc.contributor.authorNur Shazwina, Shubli
dc.contributor.authorNorraina Adnin, Mohamad
dc.descriptionThe 6th International Engineering Invention & Innovation Exhibition 2015 (i-ENVEX 2015) was organized by ENVEX Young Researcher Club (EYReC), University Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) and Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE), Malaysia on 17th - 19th April 2015, at UniMAP Main Campus, Pauh Putra, Perlis.en_US
dc.description.abstractA temperature set point is the level at which the body attempts to maintain its temperature. When the set pointis raised, the result is a fever. Most fevers are coused by infectious disease and can be lowered, if desired, with antipyretic medications. An early morning temperature higher then 37.0°c or a late afternoon temperature higher then 37.7°c is normally considered a fever, assuming that the temperature is elevated due to a change in the hypothalamus’s set point. This is a dangerous temperature levels on children because there are more likely to hit a fever. The normal daily temperature varation is typically 0.5°c, but can be greater among people recovering from a fever. The body temperature of child is importance to monitor and the three goals of home care for a child with fever are to control the temperature, prevent dehydration, and monitor for serious or life-threatening illness. To overcome this issue, a temperature monitoring system for child fever body temperature and child in the car is impoetance to monitor. That device will tell the user about the over limit temperature that can be dangerous to child.en_US
dc.publisherUniversiti Malaysia Perlisen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesInternational Engineering Invention & Innovation Exhibition (i-ENVEX 2015);
dc.subjectDiploma Programe Coordination Uniten_US
dc.subjectInternational Engineering Invention & Innovation Exhibition (i-ENVEX 2015)en_US
dc.subjectTemperature alert systemen_US
dc.subjectTechnical innovations -- UniMAPen_US
dc.subjectResearch -- UniMAPen_US
dc.subjectHuman temperatureen_US
dc.titleGSM temperature alert systemen_US
dc.contributor.advisorNur Khairul Fadzli Abu Bakaren_US

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