Browsing Universiti Malaysia Perlis by Title
Now showing items 450-469 of 470
UNI-Drain Hoe
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)Faculty of Engineering Technology (FE-TECH),, 2015-04-17)UNI-DRAIN HOE original concept like shovels (DRAIN HOE) but systematic design creation user may easily use it. It also has features like ergonomic does not charge users when doing the cleaning process more safely and ... -
UniMAP Biofiber Fertilizer
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)Institute of Sustainable Agrotechnology, 2014-05)Organic matter is known to improve soil health and availability of plant nutrients. Although some of the organic wastes are utilized to some extent in agriculture but most of them are either burnt or remained unutilized, ... -
UniMAP Impreg Wood
(International Exhibition of Inventions, 2007-04-22)Currently utilization of wood is still important in various areas of industries such as construction, furniture, building and etc. However the usages are often limited due to the weather resistances especially after exposure ... -
UniMAP lateric soil biocoagulant
(MINDS (Malaysian Invention and Design Society), 2012-05-17)Lateric Soil Biocoagulant is to replace the existing chemical coagulant used for example Aluminium Sulphate, Ferrous Sulphate and Ferric Chloride. Chemical coagu-lant will produce harmful chemical sludge which is hard to ... -
UniMAP loT : Android based facial image recognition using neural networks for class attendance truancy
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)Faculty of Engineering Technology (FE-TECH), 2015-04-17)Following any conventional Malaysia universities, lecturers take attendance by calling out the names of students, and then marking them, while, in others, lecturers pass around a sheet of paper, asking students to sign in ... -
Use of Material Mixture Detergent into the Mortar to Simplify Ceil Works
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Alam Sekitar (PPKAS), 2010-03-03)Plastering work is the process done to clean up the brick walls to make its smooth. This should be done to the brick wall than the wall face. -
Useful of Wasted Cooking Oil (Soap-Candle)
(Universiti Malaysia PerlisPusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Alam Sekitar, 2010-03-03)There are lots of variety cooking style to prepare the meal we wanted. One of the way is using cooking oil, which is we fried the dishes we wanted for. -
V2 dryer of shrimp paste
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)Diploma Programme Coordination Unit, 2015-04-17)Shrimp paste is a flavour enhancer used by the Malaysian community in preparation of food. Nowadays, only mixer is used by workers during shrimp paste process. The process is started with shrimp cleaned and mixed with white ... -
Vanillin Bio-synthetic Flavour Production from Paddy Straw
(Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), 2010-09-26) -
Vehicle Speed Detection for Smart Surveillance System
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis, 2010-01-07)Vehicle tracking systems has been pervasively applied to monitor the traffic and road safety where existing vehicle tracking systems use video image processing technique. In visual monitoring a security analyst normally ... -
Video zipper: Energy saving techniques to compress video using motion prediction
(Korea Invention News, 2012-11-03)The product prediction video motion with 50% energy saving compare to existing product with the same prediction accuracy. -
Voiceless Voice : An Intelligent Communication System for Physically Retarded Communities
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis, 2010-01-07)The Intelligent Voiceless communication is a device which can help the physically retarded peoples to communicate with the outside world by using their brain signals. Our product makes use of the active brain functions of ... -
Voiceless Voice : An Itelligent Communication System For Physically Retarded Communities
(Malaysia Association of Research Scientists (MARS), 2010-02-04)The system can be easily custom designed for a physically impaired person. The system can be installed on any commercial powered computer or a laptop. Our product is cost effective compared to the cost of hiring care givers ... -
Wearable gas sensor utilising dye-functionalised single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT)
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)School of Microelectronic Engineering, 2014-05)Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have attracted considerable interest due to their unique properties and vast potential in electronic applications. CNTs show sensitivity towards changes in local environment due to their large surface ... -
Wireless shoe in-sole system implementation for biomedical applications
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)School of Microelectronic Engineering, 2014-05)WIRELESS SHOE IN-SOLE is a system to measure the orientation and pressure field that acts between the foot and the support surface during everyday activities. Information derived from such pressure measures is important ... -
Xanthine Oxidase: Disposable Biosensor for Herbal Antioxidant Evaluation
(Malaysian Invention & Design Society (MINDS), 2005-05-19)The construction of a novel disposable Xanthine Oxidase (XOD) biosensor has been described Xanthine. Oxidase was physically entrapped with a biocompatible chitosan membrane. The sensor exhibits good performance in antioxidant ... -
Xanthine Oxidase: Disposable Biosensor for Herbal Antioxidant Evaluation
(Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia (KPTM), 2005-09-30)The construction of a novel disposable Xanthine Oxidase (XOD) biosensor has been described Xanthine. Oxidase was physically entrapped with a biocompatible chitosan membrane. The sensor exhibits good performance in antioxidant ... -
Yellow-Orange MEH-PPV Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED)
(Malaysian Invention and Design Society (MINDS), 2007-05-18)Electroluminescence polymer is widely utilized in the fabrication of optical display. Nowdays, attractional optical display application is toward Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED). MEH-PPV OLED is an example of organic ... -
“Your first robot” robotic learning kit
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2015-04-17)Your First Robot- Robotic Learning Kit is structured to help student learn about robotic from biginner to advanced. We provide guidanceand step – by – step introductions for easy robotics projects. Students will learn how ... -
Zalafeed: High Fiber and Protein Husbandry Ingredient from Salak Waste Industries
(Malaysian Invention and Design Society (MINDS), 2007-05-18)Salak or Salacca zalacca is a special palm tree (family Arecacae) native to Indonesia and Malaysia. Salak fruit grow in the clusters at the base of the palm and are also known as snakefruit due to the reddish-brown scaly skin.