A portable joystick controller for DC motors
This project is to design a portable joystick that can control two units of motors at the same time. Joystick is more flexible to handle compared with pushed button. In this project, four units of relays are used in the motor driver circuit. Relay is functioned to change the voltage polarity that supplies power to the motor. Two units of relay are used to change the polarity of each motor. Relays are triggered when receiving signal from the Peripheral Interface Controller (PIC) circuit. Software method used in this project is MPLAB. MPLAB is a software which is used to download program into integrated circuit of PIC16F877A. There is also Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) which is function as interfacing device to display the motors condition. Several testing is done in this project such as motor resistance test, motor rotation test, LCD display test etc. Result from all testing show that portable joystick controller is easier and more efficient to control the motor compare with available push button in the market