Investigate the effect of cutting parameter pn Ti6Al4V surface in EDM wire-cut
Titanium aloy is aprovide exellent corrosion resistance, a high strength-to-weight-ratio
and good high temperature. It’s also have very high affinity to oxygen. A natural oxide
layer is always present on the surface. A thicker oxide layer will be formed due to
thermal oxidation during machining. So,in this projct will be identify the effct of cutting parameter on Ti6Al4V surface by using EDM Wire-cut. To fine Eight cutting of
parameter shoud be understand before running the EDM-wire-cut. The parameter was implicated are electrolisis free, peak current, pulse-ON time,pulse OFF time, voltage flushing rate, wire speed and wire pressure. The parameter will be choose after
analysis the result by Design of experiment, (DOE). DOE will be used to get the best
combination of parameter to optimize the minimum of Titanium and Aluminum Oxide,
and surface roughness and maximum material removal rate. To identify the formation
oxide on surface, the Energy-dispensive X-ray (EDX) has been used and Ambios XProfile
will be used to know their surface roughness. After get the all result, the
confirmation test should be run to know the percentage error after compare with the
actual result. The result and discussion will be discuss in this report.