Browsing R. Badlishah Ahmad, Prof. Ir. Ts. Dr. by Title
Now showing items 101-120 of 147
Performance analysis and prediction using circuit model in a microstrip patch array
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE), 2007)This work is an effort in investigating and modeling an accurate Circuit Model derived from the Transmission Line Method (CM/TLM) by simulating a rectangular microstrip patch array using two different simulation techniques, ... -
Performance Analysis of Congestion Control Mechanism in Software Defined Network (SDN)
(EDP Sciences, 2017)In the near future, the traditional networks architecture will be difficult to be managed. Hence, Software Defined Network (SDN) will be an alternative in the future of programmable networks to replace the conventional ... -
Performance analysis of hybrid OCDMA/WDM system for metro area network
(Walter de Gruyter Berlin/Boston, 2014-03)In this study a hybrid spectral amplitude coding for optical code division multiple access (i.e., called OCDMA) over wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) network is proposed to support large number of subscribers. The ... -
Performance analysis of multipath routing based on source routing
(Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), 2009-06-20)Mobile AdHoc Networks (MANETs) is a collection of mobile hosts forming a temporary network without the aid of any established infrastructure or centralized administration, and they interact with each other over wireless ... -
Performance analysis of optical zero cross correlation in OCDMA system
(Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2007)We propose a new code structure for Spectral-Amplitude Coding Optical Code Division Multiple Access (OCDMA) systems with zero cross-correlation and theoretically demonstrate the performance of this code by using a direct ... -
Performance analysis on MDW code in FTTH access network using PIN & APD photodiode
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)Centre for Graduate Studies, 2010-10-16)In order to comprise between PIN photo detector and avalanche photodiodes in a system used modified double weight (MDW) code to be a performance of the optical spectrum CDMA in FTTH network with point-to-multi-point ... -
Performance enhancement of OCDMA system using NAND detection with modified double weight (MDW) code for optical access network
(Elsevier GmbH, 2013-07)In this paper, we have extensively analyzed the OCDMA system performance using modified double weight (MDW) code with NAND detection technique as newly developed by the authors. In theoretical analysis, various noises and ... -
Performance evaluation of Fi-Wi network based on SCM-optical code division multiple access architecture
(Elsevier GmbH, 2013-10)This paper investigates the performance of a spectral amplitude coding (SAC)-OCDMA system design utilizing subcarrier multiplexing techniques for use in the popular fiber-wireless (Fi-Wi) technology. Zero cross correlation ... -
Performance evaluation of TCP Vegas versus different TCP variants in homogeneous and heterogeneous wired networks
(World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET), 2011-02)A study on the performance of TCP Vegas versus different TCP variants in homogeneous and heterogeneous wired networks are performed via simulation experiment using network simulator (ns-2). This performance evaluation ... -
Performance improvement of spectral amplitude coding-optical code division multiple access systems using NAND detection with enhanced double weight code
(The Optical Society of Japan, 2012-01)The bit-error rate (BER) performance of the spectral amplitude coding-optical code division multiple access (SACOCDMA) system has been investigated by using NAND subtraction detection technique with enhanced double weight ... -
Performance of random diagonal code for OCDMA systems using new spectral direct detection technique
(Elsevier Inc, 2009-01-31)This paper studies the performance of random diagonal (RD) code for spectral-amplitude coding OCDMA (SAC-OCDMA) system using a newly proposed spectral direct detection technique. RD code is constructed using code segment ... -
Performance of random diagonal code for OCDMA systems using new spectral direct detection technique
(Elsevier Inc., 2009-06)This paper studies the performance of random diagonal (RD) code for spectral-amplitude coding OCDMA (SAC-OCDMA) system using a newly proposed spectral direct detection technique. RD code is constructed using code segment ... -
The performance study of two genetic algorithm approaches for VLSI Macro-Cell layout area optimization
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE), 2008)Very large scale integrated (VLSI) design has been the subject of much research since the early 1980s where the VLSI cell placement emerges to be a crucial stage in the chip design. Its area optimization is very important ... -
PNN based driver drowsiness level classification using EEG
(JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved, 2013-06)In this work, we classify the driver drowsiness level (awake, drowsy, high drowsy and sleep stage1) based on different wavelets and probabilistic neural network classifier using wireless EEG signals. Deriving the amplitude ... -
Portable Network Aquisition System using Single Board Computer & GNU/Linux
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2008-03-15)bstrac: Due to the increase in the use of the World-wide Web and other applications, determining which host and which application generates how much network traffic is becoming critical in managing and using network ... -
Power-limited spectral amplitude coding OCDMA system using random diagonal code with and without optical amplifiers
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE), 2008)A new code structure for spectral amplitude coding in optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) systems called Random Diagonal (RD) code is proposed. RD code is constructed using code level and data level. One of the ... -
Prolonging lifetime of wireless sensor networks with mobile base station using particle swarm optimization
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2011-04-19)Wireless sensor networks are a family of networks in wireless communication system and have the potential to become significant subsystem of engineering applications. In view of the fact that the sensor nodes in wireless ... -
Propagation model for wireless sensor networks: Review and modeling
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)Centre for Graduate Studies, 2010-10-16)In simulation environments, prediction of path losses, maximum communication coverage for each node and received signal strength are calculated by using propagation model. However, most of the simulation tools only offer ... -
Proposal: Fundamental study of spectral slicing wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) system
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)Centre for Graduate Studies, 2010-10-16)Since the inception of optical fiber communication in 1974, their transmission capacity has experienced a tremendous increase in the years after. Several technology advances spurred its growth. But its use was kept to long ... -
Random diagonal codes for spectral amplitude coding optical CDMA systems using fiber Bragg-Grating
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE), 2008-08-26)In this paper we study the use of a new code called Random Diagonal (RD) code for Spectral Amplitude Coding (SAC) optical Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) networks, using Fiber Bragg-Grating (FBG), FBG consists of a ...