Design and development of solar charged garden light
Solar-charged garden light is a new technology in electrical technology nowadays. This product can help human being which the energy was generated by using the renewable clean energy which is solar energy. With the scenario of the Malaysia’s weather, the rate of receiving the solar energy from the sun is not too much, but still enough with the correct arrangement and combination of electronic devices, it still can be used. The main problem that faced related to the electrical infrastructure is for those people lived in the rural area. Obviously, the electrical supply in the rural area is limited. The application of this solar technology is focused in rural area. This solar technology is not so popular among Malaysians because the cost for setting up this technology is still so expensive. This technology is applied and focused in the rural area and for the places that has higher risk and higher in cost for wiring such as at the East-West highway in Grik district, in Perak. This product is using the solar energy that converted to the electrical energy and converted to the light energy. The combination of electronic devices surely best for the task. The electrical energy is stored to the rechargeable battery that has been charged during the day light and is being used during the night time. This product operates by itself without any supervision from human-being. By using clean renewable energy, there should be no issues regarding to the pollution issues and so on. This product also doesn’t need underground wiring to operate.