Fabrication and characterization of Barium Strontium Titanate (BA1-XSRXTIO3 BST) for heat sensor application
Ferroelectric Barium Strontium Titanate (BST) thin films were successfully prepared by wet chemical deposition or sol-gel method and characterized using SPA, AFM, and sensing properties. The BST thin film was fabricated on Si substrate to detect pressure and to study working mechanism of the BST.. The BST solution is dilute after
adding with some solvent to make the Barium Titanate and Strontium Titanate more soluble. The annealed BST films showed a sharp perovskite structure with uniform
microstructure Experimental results show that the I-V characteristic of the thin films
increase rapidly with the BST solution is added with solvent material. Films that added
with Ethylene Glycol and Acid acetic show different dielectric performance then films
that use BST solution itself. Compared with the available data in the literature, the
experiment results show improvement on the electrical properties and microstructure.
Structural and electrical properties of BST thin film prepared by sol-gel method were investigated to verify influences of adding a solvent to the morphology and the electrical characteristic. Mixing the solution with solvent not only decrease grain growth but also improvement of crystallinity in BST films. The composition, crystal structure and microstructure of the thin films were characterized using AFM and SEMS. Experimental results show that this method is effective BST thin films for sensors application.