Modeling cad performance with Fuzzy Cognitive Map
This paper demonstrates how Fuzzy Cognitive Map (FCM) is used to model CAD performance in an engineering consultancy
environment by simulating the effects of certain conditions and actions on CAD service quality. A knowledge base of CAD
performance is built from expert knowledge that exists in the fuzzy linguistic domain. The knowledge is translated from a
qualitative opinion scale to triangular fuzzy numbers ready for computation. It demonstrates that the knowledge captured and
represented in a core CAD FCM can be stored and easily extended by the addition of sub-FCMs. Simulation of CAD
performance using the FCM revealed its applicability in project management by providing the project manager with a tool to
help her identify an optimal approach for dealing with CAD quality issues. It can thus, be an effective tool for engineering
management and knowledge base building in an engineering environment.
- IEM Journal [310]