Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Inherent occupational health concept for chemical processes: A new perspective 

      Mimi Haryani, Hassim; Hurme, Markku, Dr. (The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia, 2010-09)
      The concept of inherent safety was known since the last few decades. The idea was quickly spread from the origin UK to the USA and later, to the other parts of the world. The idea was then extended to environment and ...
    • Process route selection for inherently safer design based on consequences analysis 

      Mardhati, Zainal Abidin; Mohd Sobri, Takriff, Dr. (The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia, 2010-09)
      Increased public awareness of safety and stringent requirements by the authority has led to the consideration of inherent safety in the design of processing plants. Inherent safety approach ensures the safety of a process ...