Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Phosphate removal using aluminum–doped rice husk ash–derived silica 

      Salsuwanda, Selamat; Masitah, Hasan; Azlinda, Abd Ghani; Che Zulzikrami, Azner Abidin (Universiti Malaysia Pahang, 2009-06-20)
      Phosphate, a compound which has phosphorus as its key atom, from excess fertilizers and detergents ends up washing into lakes, creeks and rivers. This overabundance of phosphorus causes excessive aquatic plant and algae ...
    • Phosphate Removal Using Lanthanuum-Doped Silica from Rice Husk Ash 

      Salsuwanda Selamat; Ragunathan Santiagoo (School of Environmental Engineering, 2008-01-09)
      Lanthanuum-doped RHA is synthesized by incipent wetness impregnation and applied for phosphorus removal.