Now showing items 3410-3429 of 3482

    • Vehicle noise comfort level indication: A psychoacoustic approach 

      Paulraj, Murugesa Pandiyan, Prof. Madya; Sazali, Yaacob, Prof. Dr.; Andrew, Allan Melvin (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2010-05-21)
      Nowadays, the studies and researches related to the improvement of the passenger comfort in the car are carried out vigorously. The comfort in the car interior is already become a need for the passengers and the buyers. ...
    • Vehicle Speed Detection for Smart Surveillance System 

      Hasliza, A. Rahim@Samsuddin; Usman Ullah, Sheikh, Dr.; R Badlishah, Ahmad, Prof. Madya Dr.; Aini Syuhada, Md Zain (Universiti Malaysia Perlis, 2010-01-07)
      Vehicle tracking systems has been pervasively applied to monitor the traffic and road safety where existing vehicle tracking systems use video image processing technique. In visual monitoring a security analyst normally ...
    • Vehicle speed detection using frame differencing for smart surveillance system 

      Hasliza, A. Rahim@Samsuddin; Usman Ullah, Sheikh, Dr.; R. Badlishah, Ahmad, Prof. Madya Dr.; Aini Syuhada, Md Zain; Wan Nur Suryani Firuz, Wan Ariffin (Institute of Electrical and Electronics of Engineering (IEEE), 2010-05-10)
      This paper presents vehicle speed detection algorithm and its application for smart surveillance system using PC workstation at the selected road lane. Typical temporal resolution of 30 ms to 40ms of conventional camera ...
    • Velocity profile investigation of FFS microchannel at Re 100 

      Retnasamy, Vithyacharan; Zaliman, Sauli, Dr.; Taniselass, Steven; Nor Shakirina, Nadzri; Hsio Mei, Tan; Khairul Anwar, Mohamad Khazali; Nooraihan, Abdullah (Trans Tech Publications, 2014)
      Recently, microfluidics system has been widely employed in various areas for instance biomedical,pharmaceuticals and cell biological researchdue to its advantages. The flow behavior in microchannels with different ...
    • Velocity profiles and friction factor analysis of liquid flow in microstructured microchannel 

      Taniselass, S.; S. S., Najamudin; Retnasamy, Vithyacharan; Poopalan, Prabakaran, Assoc. Prof. Dr. (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)Centre for Graduate Studies, 2010-10-16)
      In this work, simulations were performed for the flow of water through rough microchannel taking into consideration a pressure-driven flow. Analysis on pressure drop, friction factor and velocity profile have been investigated ...
    • Vibration based energy harvesting using piezoelectric material 

      Mohd Noor Fakhzan, Mohd Kazim; Muthalif, Asan G.A (IEEE Conference Publications, 2011)
      Energy harvesting has been around for centuries in the form of windmills, watermills and passive solar power systems. It is not only restricted to the natural resources but it has widen the tapping source to utilise the ...
    • The views of older Malaysians on advanced directive and advanced care planning: a qualitative study 

      Mohammad Iqbal, Omar@Ye Htut, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; Shahrul Bahyah, Kamaruzzaman; Poi, Philip Jun Hua (SAGE Publications, 2007)
      The provision of optimum care for the ageing population is dependent on the understanding of their views and values on end of life issues. A qualitative descriptive study was conducted to describe views of elderly Malaysians ...
    • Virtual deformation of soft tissue using bulk variables 

      Sundaraj, Kenneth, Prof. Dr. (World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS) Press, 2009)
      We present an alternative online simulation model for human tissue. Online simulation of human tissue deformation during surgical training or surgical assistance is becoming increasingly important within the medical ...
    • Virtual reality simulator for phacoemulsification cataract surgery education and training 

      Chee, Kiang Lam; Sundaraj, Kenneth, Prof. Dr.; M. Nazri, Sulaiman (Elsevier Ltd., 2013)
      Computer systems are taking an important role in the field of medicine with the introduction of electronic biomedical devices in diagnosis and treatment, where medical records obtained from the devices are documented and ...
    • Virtual simulation of eyeball and extraocular muscle reaction during cataract surgery 

      Chee, Kiang Lam; Sundaraj, Kenneth, Prof. Dr.; M. Nazri, Sulaiman (Elsevier Ltd., 2012)
      Master-apprentice teaching method is most commonly used in medical education for all the time in transferring the surgical skill from a professional surgeon to a medical practitioner. The current technology has the ability ...
    • VIS-NIR spectral and particles distribution of Au, Ag, Cu, Al and Ni nanoparticles synthesized in distilled water using laser ablation 

      Mas Ira Syafila, Mohd Hilmi Tan; Ahmad Fairuz, Omar; Marzaini, Rashid; Uda, Hashim (Elsevier, 2019-07)
      In this research, gold (Au), silver (Ag), copper (Cu), aluminium (Al) and nickel (Ni) nanoparticles have been prepared by laser ablation in distilled water using Q-switched Nd: YAG. Comparative analysis between 1064 nm and ...
    • Vision based robot positioning and recognition using artificial intelligent system 

      Fathinul-Syahir, Ahmad Sa'ad; Hazry, Desa, Dr.; Muhammad Juhairi Aziz, Safar; Md Tasyrif, Abdul Rahman (International Islamic University Malaysia (UIAM), 2008-12-18)
      Many applications using vision based automation system incorporating robotic technology have been developed in many sectors, such as land-based and aerial-based remote sensing for natural resources assessments, precision ...
    • Vision based tracking control of an autonomous mobile robot in an indoor environment 

      Mohd Saifizi, Saidon; Hazry, Desa, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; Nagarajan, R.; Paulraj, M. P. (IEEE Conference Publications, 2011)
      In this paper, we present a scheme for target acquisition scheme for mobile robot that will use vision sensor. The scheme in order to accurately measures the location of a target in real world coordinates and finds the ...
    • Vision in robot soccer: a review 

      Nadarajah, Sivadev; Sundaraj, Kenneth, Prof. Dr. (Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht, 2013)
      This paper will give readers an overview of the vision system used on Robot Soccer systems. Firstly, it lists out the positioning of the cameras that are used on a robot soccer system both for FIRA and RoboCup. Here various ...
    • Vision-based motion tracking rehabilitation system for gait disorder 

      Md. Asraf, Ali; Sundaraj, Kenneth, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; R. Badlishah, Ahmad, Prof. Dr.; Nizam Uddin, Ahamed; Md. Anamul, Islam (IEEE Conference Publications, 2012)
      Aim of the present study was to review the articles for the vision-based motion tracking, usually applied on the rehabilitation systems of gait disorder. Based on our ultimate goal, we searched several articles, available ...
    • Vision-based motion tracking rehabilitation system for gait disorder 

      Md. Asraf, Ali; Sundaraj, Kenneth, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; R. Badlishah, Ahmad, Prof. Dr.; Nizam Uddin, Ahamed; Md. Anamul, Islam (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2012-11)
      Aim of the present study was to review the articles for the vision-based motion tracking, usually applied on the rehabilitation systems of gait disorder. Based on our ultimate goal, we searched several articles, available ...
    • Vision-based system for line following mobile robot 

      Abdul Halim, Ismail; Hazwani, Ramli; Megat Mohamad Hamdan, Megat Ahmad; Mohammad Hamiruce, Marhaban (IEEE Conference Publications, 2009)
      A vision based application is proposed for a line following mobile robot. A low-cost webcam is used as the sensor and the image buffers are processed via a customized image segregation method to output necessary information ...
    • Visual based SLAM using modified PSO 

      William, Low; Nagarajan, Ramachandran, Prof. Dr.; Sazali, Yaacob, Prof. Dr. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2010-05-21)
      Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) addresses the problem of a robot navigating and acquiring spatial models of initially unknown environments, without an absolute localization means. To solve this problem, we ...
    • Visual studies on film boiling 

      Suhaimi, Illias; Muhammad Asri, Idris; Muhamad Saisuldin, Abdul Manan; H. Azmi; Mohd Fathullah, Ghazali (Universiti Malaysia Perlis, 2009-10-11)
      The purpose of this research is to study and examine the droplet bounding phenomena on carbon heated surface during film-boiling period, which occur when a water droplet collided with the heated surface at a very high ...
    • Voice controlled robot soccer 

      Sivadev, N.; Sundaraj, Kenneth, Assoc. Prof. (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)Centre for Graduate Studies, 2010-10-16)
      Robot Soccer is a platform that integrates many fields and is an attractive field of research. This paper will introduce innovative a method to simulate real world interaction between the coach and the players. Using minimum ...