Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Designing, Fabricating And Characterizing A Microfluidic Capacitor 

      Raymond Anthony Anthonysamy (Universiti Malaysia PerlisSchool of Microelectronic Engineering, 2007-03)
      Today, being the dawn of a new technology wave, Micro electromechanical Systems or MEMS have promised a new beginning to a wide spectrum of fields. Microfluidics marked another milestone in this area as highly effective ...
    • Microfluidic Poly-Si Electrodes Capacitor ( Fabrication & Testing ) 

      Esmal Fhadly, Abd Malek (Universiti Malaysia PerlisSchool of Microelectronic Engineering, 2007-03)
      In this project, I have to design, fabricate and testing a Microfluidic capacitor. The dielectric insulator is replaced with a dielectric fluid (deionized water) instead of usual solid state materials. The conductive ...