Selecting meaningful predictor variables: A case study with bridge monitoring data
Bridge Health Monitoring (BHM) is an important problem in
many countries, including Viet Nam. Therefore, there have
been many proposed mechanical, mathematical, statistical,
etc. methods created to solve this problem. In BHM process,
one important step is to reduce and extract important
information from realistic datasets obtained from bridge
Our contribution in this study is on reduction of variables
measured on the bridge using the Principal components
analysis (PCA), in coupling with some additional methods.
Specifically, after achieving a new dataset having new
uncorrelated variables using PCA, this study uses the idea of
cross-validation to point out some first few components
enough to be able to reconstruct the original data with
appropriate information (variance). Finally, for the purpose
of variable reduction, the Canonical correlations analysis is
used to decide which subset of the original dataset keeps the
most information.
To validate the new method in practical usage, this study
uses Sai Gon Bridge's vibration measure data created by
Laboratory of Applied Mechanics, Ho Chi Minh city
University of Technology, implementing it in statistical
programming environment R and a small Java application to
allow users to interact and see the results graphically.
- Conference Papers [2600]