Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Environmental technology adoption in many company 

      Rahimi Abidin; Che Sobri Abdullah; Wan Mohd Sabki Wan Omar (Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), 2007-12-07)
      In achieving a better environmental performance of firms and economy, technological innovation is one of the important key factors. Implementation of technologies that substantially diminish the environmental intensity ...
    • Influence of leachate contaminants on setting and hardening of concrete 

      Wan Muhaini, Wan Hilmi (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)School of Environmental Engineering, 2011-04)
      One of the major environmental concerns associated with landfilling of municipal solid wastes is related to the discharge of leachate into the environment, which may cause serious pollution to groundwater aquifers as ...
    • Tangki air kediaman: isu rekabentuk, lokasi dan keselamatan - Kajian kes negeri Perlis 

      Umar Kassim; Wan Mohd Sabki Wan Omar; Khairul Nizar Ismail (HBP-INFRATECH Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) & IEM Kedah/Perlis, 2007-11-19)
      Kes-kes runtuhnya tangki air di rumah kediaman di negeri Perlis disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor iaitu penggunaan bahan yang tidak sesuai seperti penggunaan kayu berkualiti rendah, tiadanya spesifikasi terperinci lukisan ...
    • Virtual Reality technology application: exploration study among house building companies in construction industry 

      Wan Mohd Sabki Wan Omar; Umar Kassim; Khairul Nizar Ismail (HBP-INFRATECH Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) & IEM Kedah/Perlis, 2007-11-19)
      The virtual reality (VR) technology is an emerging technology that enables interactive real-time viewing of three-dimentional data. This technology is widely adopted in the western world, particularly for house building ...