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Title: Trent study on Covid-19 pandemic lockdown impact on rivers in Selangor, Malaysia
Authors: Aini Hidayati Shahrir
Hayder, Gasim
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM)
Citation: The Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia, vol.83 (1), 2022, pages 8-14
Abstract: According to the Department of Environment, numerous rivers, and streams in Selangor, and practically all rivers, are in the 'polluted' and ‘slightly polluted' category even before the COVID-19 outbreak. Due to a lack of anthropogenic activities such as industrial discharge, agricultural, poultry, sediment, and silt erosion, the trend of pandemic lockdown on water quality parameters in Selangor is expected to decline. The goal of this research is to see if contamination of water resources and rivers increases or decreases during a pandemic by examining the trajectory of water quality parameters in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, to figure out which parameters are affecting pollution in Selangor rivers, and to emphasize the water quality in each river for Department of Environment, utilizing data from 2016 to 2020. The results of the investigation revealed significant variations in water and wastewater quality over time as it shows anthropogenic activities decrease during pre-pandemic and pandemic lockdown periods. DO, TSS, ammoniacal nitrogen, and turbidity exhibited decreasing value on most water quality metrics except for BOD, COD, and pH levels during the lockdown period.
Description: Link to publisher’s homepages at
ISSN: 0126-513x
Appears in Collections:IEM Journal

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