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Title: Influence of polluted seawater on oxidation behaviour of Aluminum Alloy
Authors: Mohammed Misbahul, Amin
Ting, Tai Poh Yee
Ku Halim, Ku Bulat
Keywords: Seawater
Fe-C alloy
Seawater -- Analysis
Oxidation kinetics
Issue Date: 24-Dec-2005
Publisher: Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment
Citation: p.142-145
Series/Report no.: Proceedings of 2nd International Congress of Chemistry and Environment (ICCE 2005)
Abstract: Tropical harbors of Malaysia, the south china seawater characteristics have adequate corrosive environments due to chemical ingredients, biofouling nature as well as velocity. The influence of polluted seawater on oxidation behaviour of aluminium alloys such as Al 6061 and Al 1100 were investigated in atmospheric conditions. The alloy samples were immersed in three conditions applied which are aerated-, flowing- and stagnant south china seawater for the period of 50 days in the air. The formation of calcareous deposit was observed on the surface of aluminium alloys. The rate of corrosion has a proportional relation to the amount of foulant and/or inorganic ingredients deposition, resulting in the weight gain of alloy specimens. An investigation under polarized microscope revealed the morphology of calcareous deposit as well as formation of metallic oxides/chlorides were detected.
Description: Organized by Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment, 24th - 26th December 2005 at The Emerald Heights International School, Indore, India.
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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