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Title: Oxidation behaviour of Sodium and Potassium choride coated Fe-C alloy at 400-700°C
Authors: Mohammed Misbahul, Amin
Kamaruzzaman, Yunus
Mohd Nordin, Samsudin
Keywords: Fe-C alloy
Alkali metal salts
Oxidation kinetics
Heat resistant alloys
Issue Date: 2003
Publisher: Oriental Science Publishing Company
Citation: Oriental Journal of Chemistry, vol. 19 (2), 2003, pages 281-286.
Abstract: The studies have been conducted on the oxidation behaviour of Fe-C alloy at 400 to 700 °C in presence of alkali metal chloride salts such as sodium chloride and potassium chloride. The chloride compounds decompose at high temperature, resulting the formation of sodium oxide and chlorine gas, which enters the scales and causes accelerated oxidation attack. This leads to break the protectivity of the alloy surface, developing the cracks and porous scales. The studies were carried out for the periods of 120 h in air. The temperature is directly proportional to the corrosion rate, the curves followed the parabolic behaviour. The alkali metal salts have deleterious effect on the alloy. The investigation tests include the oxidation kinetics, the scale morphologies were determined by using Optical Microscopic techniques.
Description: Link to publisher's homepage at
ISSN: 0970-020X
Appears in Collections:School of Materials Engineering (Articles)

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