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dc.contributor.authorSuhaila, Sapeai-
dc.contributor.authorMohamad Yusof, Sulaiman-
dc.contributor.authorMohd Khairunaz-
dc.contributor.authorAyu Wazira, Azhari-
dc.contributor.authorKamaruzzaman, Sopian-
dc.contributor.authorSaleem Hussain, Zaidi-
dc.identifier.citation2013 IEEE 39th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), pages 2659-2663en_US
dc.descriptionLink to publisher's homepage at
dc.description.abstractComputer-based simulations play a critical role in the design, development, and functionality of solar cells. Device modeling techniques substantially reduce the time and costs through optimization of process steps, choice of materials, and wafers. In this study, bifacial solar cell devices have been modeled using actual physical device configurations. In this study, a detailed description of npp+ bifacial solar cell based on PC1D simulations has been carried out. The structure of npp+ was selected for all simulations due to excellent results obtained from this type of solar cell. The npp+ configuration is also the simplest, most widely used solar cell, is simple to fabricate, and can be adapted for all types of solar cells. The efficiencies obtained from this design were 16.42 % and 14.18 % for front and back surfaces respectively. These simulations suggest that rear surface efficiency is a sensitive function of minority carrier lifetime, BSF doping level, and surface recombination velocity. Simulations results adequately explained performance of Al BSF bifacial solar cells fabricated in the laboratory.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.en_US
dc.subjectAl BSFen_US
dc.subjectBifacial solar cellen_US
dc.subjectPC1D simulationen_US
dc.subjectSilicon solar cellen_US
dc.titleNumerical analysis of bifacial solar cell using PC1D softwareen_US
Appears in Collections:Ayu Wazira Azhari, Ts. Dr

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