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Title: Effects of DC line voltage environment on different types of compact fluorescent lamps operation
Authors: Abdul Rahim, Abdul Razak
Uda, Hashim
Norlia, Mohamad Ibrahim
Syafruddin, Hasan
Ahmad Shukri, Fazil Rahman
Keywords: CFL
DC system
Renewable energy
Stand-alone solar
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Citation: Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 7th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference, PEOCO 2013, pages 13-18
Abstract: Compact fluorescent lamps are tested under DC operating conditions. Five random samples are evaluated in term of their starting and operation response compared to normal AC environment. Experiment result shows that DC line supply has successfully able to start and operate any conventional CFL at almost the same lux level and power consumption rate of 240ac rms.
Description: Link to publisher's homepage at
ISBN: 978-146735073-0
Appears in Collections:Norlia, Mohamad Ibrahim, Dr.

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