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Title: Study of non-isolated CD – DC CUK converter with multiple outputs
Authors: Lian, Chai Wei
Keywords: International Engineering Invention & Innovation Exhibition (i-ENVEX 2015)
Research -- UniMAP
Technical innovations -- UniMAP
DC-DC converter
Converter -- Design and construction
Issue Date: 17-Apr-2015
Publisher: Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)
Series/Report no.: International Engineering Invention & Innovation Exhibition (i-ENVEX 2015);
Abstract: DC-DC converter can be use to step down DC and it is classified into two types which is isolated and non-isolated. Isolated DC-DC converter is electrically separated between the input and the output terminals by the transformer Eg: flyback converter, forward converter, push-pull converter, half bridge converters and full bridge types. Non-isolated converter: the input and the output are sharing a common ground. Eg: buck, boost, buck-boost and CUK converter. CUK converters, can be design to step up/down the output voltage. Had been penetrated in the industrial area and widely used like electric modern control in HVDC power supply, trains and aerospace.
Description: The 6th International Engineering Invention & Innovation Exhibition 2015 (i-ENVEX 2015) was organized by ENVEX Young Researcher Club (EYReC), University Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) and Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE), Malaysia on 17th - 19th April 2015, at UniMAP Main Campus, Pauh Putra, Perlis.
Appears in Collections:Universiti Malaysia Perlis

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