Zuhayr Md Ghazaly : [2] Collection home page


About Ir. Zuhayr Bin Md. Ghazaly

Ir. Zuhayr Bin Md. Ghazaly is currently a Ir. Lecturer at Faculty of Civil Engineering Technology , Universiti Malaysia Perlis

He was formerly from School of Environmental Engineering

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/

Scopus Author ID: 55992849000

Email: Zuhayr Md. Ghazaly

Research Interests

Soil Mechanics


Foundation Engineering

Highway & Pavement Engineering

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 2 of 2
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Effects of trans-polyoctylene rubber in polypropylene/recycled acrylonitrile butadiene/rice husk powder compositesRagunathan, Santiagoo; Sam, Sung Ting, Dr.; Azlinda, Abdul Ghani; Kamarudin, Hussin, Brig. Jen. Dato' Prof. Dr.; Hanafi, Ismail, Prof. Dr.; Mustaqqim, Abdul Rahim; Zuhayr, Md Ghazaly; azlindaghani@unimap.edu.my
2014The behaviours of steel fiber as main reinfocement in high performance slurry infiltrated fiber reinforced concreteMustaqqim, Abdul Rahim; Zuhayr, Md Ghazaly; Ragunathan, Santiagoo; Shahiron, Shahidan; mustaqqim@unimap.edu.my; zuhayr@unimap.edu.my; raguna@unimap.edu.my; shahiron@uthm.edu.my
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 2 of 2
Skills and Expertise:Finite Element Analysis,Structural Analysis,Finite Element Modeling Construction Engineering,Earthquake Engineering,Construction Materials,Concrete Technologies,Soil Analysis,Civil Engineering,Finite Element Method,Geotechnical Engineering,Soil Mechanics,Slope Stability,Structural Engineering,Steel,Reinforced Concrete,Steel Structures,Seismic Design and Rubber.