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Title: Electroless Ni-P-Cg(Graphite)-SiC composite coating on cast AlSi alloy
Authors: Mukridz, Md Mohtar, Engr.
Zaidi, Mohd Ripin, Dr.
Zainal Arifin, Ahmad
Keywords: AlSi Alloy
Electroless nickel plating
Silicon carbide (SiC)
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Trans Tech Publications
Citation: Advanced Materials Research, vol.795, 2013, pages 540-544
Abstract: The study presents the electroless N-P-Cg-SiC composite coating on cast AlSi (ADC12) alloy where the bath temperature is maintained at 90°C, pH level is controlled between 4.5 to 5.0 and stirred at 450 rpm with mechanical stirrer to avoid particles sedimentation. The increase of the coating film thickness is very insignificant after one hour of coating duration. This outcome is supposed to be due to inconsistent chemical concentration in the plating bath after this period. The nominal coating thickness of 39 μm is achieved after the substrate is immersed for 1 hour in four consecutive plating baths, respectively. The coating film is also successfully adhered to the substrate surface with the SiC and Cgparticles are homogenously distributed.
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ISSN: 1662-8985
Appears in Collections:Center of Excellence for Geopolymer and Green Technology (CEGEOGTECH) (Articles)
Mukridz Md Mohtar, Engr.

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