Md. Fazlul Bari, Assoc. Prof. Dr. : [29] Collection home page

This page provides access to research works by Associate Professor Dr. Md. Fazlul Bari, currently an Associate Professor of School of Materials Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP).

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 29 of 29
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
19-May-2006Micro Capsule with Functional Group for Diverse ApplicationMd Fazlul, Bari, Dr.; Kamaruddin, Husin, Brig. Jen. Dato' Prof. Dr.; Che Mohd Ruzaidi, Ghazali, Prof. Madya; Shamsul Baharin, Jamaludin, Prof. Dr.;
14-May-2010Smart Reagent for the Recovery of Copper from PCBMd Fazlul, Bari, Dr.; Noorzahan, Begum, Mst.; Shamsul Baharin, Jamaludin, Prof. Dr.; Kamarudin, Hussin, Brig. Gen. Dato’ Prof. Dr.;
2009The influence of welding parameters and corrosive environment on the joint strength of resistance spot-welded mild steel sheetsShamsul Baharin, Jamaludin; Ahmad Latiffi, A. A. T.; Khairel Rafezi, Ahmad; Fazlul, Bari
1-Dec-2009The influence of sintering temperature to the physical properties of P/M Co-Cr-Mo (F-75) alloyZuraidawani, Che Daud; Shamsul Baharin, Jamaludin; Md. Fazlul, Bari;
1-Dec-2009Preparations and biomedical applications of magnetic nanoparticles and nanocompositesMd. Eaqub, Ali; Md. Fazlul, Bari; Mohd Noor, Ahmad
1-Dec-2009Selective leaching for the recovery of Copper from PCBMd Fazlul, Bari; Noorzahan, Begum; Shamsul Baharin, Jamaludin; Kamarudin, Hussin
2006Extraction mechanism of Gd3+ by BTMPPAMd Fazlul, Bari; Bahruddin, Saad; Ismail, Abdur Rahman; Muhammad Idris, Salleh
May-2009Synthesis of sol-gel silica chemically bonded with cyanex 272 for the removal of Cu(II), Ni(II), and Zn(II)Md Fazlul, Bari; Noorzahan, Begum; Shamsul Baharin, Jamaludin; Kamarudin, Hussin
3-Dec-2008A study of comminution-liberation and floatability of Copper from printed circuit boards (PCBs) scrapAimi Noorliyana, Hashim; Mohd Zaheruddin, Kasmuin; Md Fazlul, Bari; Sri Asliza, Md Amin; Kamarudin, Hussin
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 29 of 29