Supri Abdul Ghani, Assoc. Prof. Dr. : [11] Collection home page

This page provides access to research works by Associate Professor Dr Supri Abdul Ghani, former an Associate Professor of School of Mechatronic Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP).

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Enhancing conductive polymer performance using eggshell for ammonia sensorSupri, Abdul Ghani, Prof. Madya Dr.; Ammar, Zakaria; Ali Yeon, Md. Shakaff, Prof. Dr.; Abu Hassan, Abdullah, Dr.; Mohd Noor, Ahmad, Prof, Dr.;;;;;
2013Effect of PE-g-MAH as compatibilizer on properties of LDPE/NR/WHF compositesTan, Soo-Jin; Supri, Abdul Ghani, Prof. Madya Dr.; Teh, Pei Ling, Dr.;;
2014Tensile properties, swelling behaviour, and morphology analysis of recycled high density polyethylene/natural rubber/chicken feather fibers (R-HDPE/NR/CFF) composites: the effects of caprolactamSupri, Abdul Ghani, Prof. Madya Dr.; Mohammad Hafeez, Jahari; Tan, Soo-Jin;;
Apr-2013Properties of chicken feather fiber-filled low-density polyethylene composites: The effect of polyethylene grafted maleic anhydrideSupri, Abdul Ghani, Prof. Madya Dr.; Soo, Jin Tan; Teh, Soo Yeng;;
Apr-2012Effect of vinyl alcohol-phthalic anhydride on properties of low density polyethylene (LDPE)/tyre dust (TD) compositesSupri, Abdul Ghani, Prof. Madya Dr.; Hanafi, Ismail, Prof.;;
Feb-2012Properties of tyre dust-filled low density polyethylene composites: The effect of phthalic anhydrideSupri, Ghani, Prof. Madya; Yow, Zheng Feng; Hanafi, Ismail, Prof.;
2009Effect of treated and untreated filler loading on the mechanical, morphological, and water absorbent properties of water hyacinth fibers-low density polyethylene compositesSupri, Abd Ghani, Dr.; Lim, B. Y.;
Jan-2011The effect of isophorone diisocyanate-polyhydroxyl groups modified water hyacinth fibers (Eichhornia crassiper) on properties of low density polyethylene/acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (LDPE/ABS) compositesSupri, A. Ghani, Dr.; Ismail, H.
8-May-2010The effect of NCO-polyol on the properties of low-density polyethylene/water hyacinth fiber (Eichhornia crassiper) compositesSupri, A. Ghani, Dr.; Ismail, H.
4-Jan-2010Effect of polyethylene-grafted maleic anhydride (PE-g-MAH) on properties of low density polyethylene/eggshell powder (LDPE/ESP) compositesSupri, Abd Ghani; Ismail, H.; Shuhadah, S.
2006Effects of dynamic vulcanization and acrylic acid on properties of recycled poly(vinyl chloride)/acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (PVCr/NBR) blendsSupri, A. Ghani; Hanafi, A. Ismail; Yusof, A. M M
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 11 of 11
Skills and Expertise: Materials Science, Physics and Astronomy, Computer Science , Genetics and Molecular Biology , Management and Accounting.