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dc.contributor.authorMohd Arif Anuar, Mohd Salleh
dc.contributor.authorMohd Mustafa Al-Bakri, Abdullah
dc.contributor.authorMuhammad Hafiz, Zan Hazizi
dc.contributor.authorFlora, Somidin
dc.contributor.authorNoor Farhani, Mohd Alui
dc.contributor.authorZainal Arifin, Ahmad, Prof.
dc.identifier.citationMaterials Science and Engineering A, vol. 556, 2012, pages 633-637en_US
dc.descriptionLink to publisher's homepage at http://www.elsevier.comen_US
dc.description.abstractThe use of reinforcing high performance ceramic particulates in monolithic lead-free solder is one way to improve the service temperature and mechanical behavior of a solder joint. In this study, various compositions of Sn-0.7Cu/Si 3N 4 lead-free composite solder were fabricated via the application of powder metallurgy (PM) techniques. The influences of the Si 3N 4 particulates in the monolithic matrix solder on the melting point temperature (T m), microhardness value, lap-shear strength, and surface fracture mechanisms were investigated based on the weight percentage addition used (0.5wt%, 1.0wt%, and 1.5wt%). Minimal alteration of the melting point temperature of the composite solder sample was obtained. Improvements in the microhardness value and lap-shear strength were found for higher reinforcements of Si 3N 4 particulates, which revealed the formation of a more ductile fracture mode in the composite solder samples. The increasing addition of Si 3N 4 allowed the formation of homogeneous and finer dimples. Overall, the addition of Si 3N 4 particulates to the Sn-0.7Cu lead-free solder should be higher than 1.0wt%, as these compositions showed superior mechanical properties.en_US
dc.publisherElsevier B.V.en_US
dc.subjectLead-free solderen_US
dc.subjectPowder metallurgyen_US
dc.subjectSilicon nitrideen_US
dc.titleMechanical properties of Sn-0.7Cu/Si 3N 4 lead-free composite solderen_US
Appears in Collections:School of Materials Engineering (Articles)
Muhammad Hafiz Zan@Hazizi, Mr.
Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri Abdullah, Prof. Dr.

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