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Title: Response of induction motor to balance voltage sags and momentary interruption
Authors: Surya, Hardi
Ismail, Daut, Prof. Dr.
Che Mat, Hadzer
Risnidar, Chan, Ir.
Muhammad Irwanto
Pungut, Ibrahim
Keywords: Voltage sags
Induction motor
Issue Date: 16-Oct-2010
Publisher: Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)
Series/Report no.: Proceedings of the International Postgraduate Conference on Engineering (IPCE 2010)
Abstract: This paper presents result of experimental study of induction motor behavior when subjected to voltage sags and interruption. Small induction motors were used to investigate this phenomenon. A shaffner “Profline 2100” EMC was used to generate sags. The voltage sags with varying 90% to 10 % of nominal voltage and interruption were applied to the motor induction with duration of 6 cycles. Speed decreasses when voltage sags occur, even motor becomes stall. When sags are over, voltage recovery may occur and the induction motors may accelerate to normal condition. Motor recovering process after voltage sags and interuption are dynamic and it takes a large inrush current can reach several times its normal value.
Description: International Postgraduate Conference On Engineering (IPCE 2010), 16th - 17th October 2010 organized by Centre for Graduate Studies, Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) at School of Mechatronic Engineering, Pauh Putra Campus, Perlis, Malaysia.
ISBN: 978-967-5760-03-7
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers
Ismail Daut, Prof. Dr.

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