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Title: The Effect of Lubrication Agent in Fabrication of Recycled Steel Powder using Ball Milling from Machining Steel Chips
Other Titles: 1st International Conference on Sustainable Materials 2007 (ICoSM2007)
Authors: Mohd Fitri Mohamad Wahid
C.H. Shun
Shaiful Rizam Shamsudin
Ruhiyuddin Mohd Zaki
Keywords: Steel
Ball milling
Steel scrap
Recycled steel powder
Milling machinery
Milling (metal work)
Issue Date: 9-Jun-2007
Publisher: Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)
Series/Report no.: 1st International Conference on Sustainable Materials 2007 (ICoSM2007)
Abstract: A feasibility study for producing recycled steel powder from steel scrap by ball milling was carried out. Steel scrap from machining was used as a raw material and was milled using ball milling for 40 hours. It was found that during ball milling, steel scrap were laminated to each other, elongated by micro-forging of the falling balls, fragmented into small pieces of foil and finally formed into spherical powder. A mixed ball is more beneficial to the milling of steel scrap into the spherical powder due to the large impact energy during the falling of the ball. Intermediate stops during milling produced a finer spherical steel powder than non-stop milling for up to 40 hours due to cooling of the vial. A larger amount of lubricating agent reduces friction between the foil or the balls and vial wall, thus give less mi
Description: Organized by Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 9th - 12th June 2007 at Park Royal Hotel, Penang.
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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