Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Characterization of cellulose and pulp obtained from rice straw plants of diferent pulping process using scanning eletron microscpy (SEM) 

      Suhardy, Daud; Mustaffa, Nawawi; Wan Su, Haron; Farizul Hafiz, Kasim; Saiful Azhar, Saad (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), 2005-09-12)
      Non-wood raw materials account for 5-7 % of the lotal pulp and paper production worldwide Production of pulp from non-wood resources has many advantages such as easy pulping capability. In this study, the formic acid and ...
    • Characterization of pulp produced from sugarcane bagasse and rice straw 

      Saiful Azhar, Saad; Farizul Hafiz, Kasim; Suhardy, Daud; Mohd Nazry, Salleh (Malaysian Institute for Nuclear Technology Research (MINT), Xapp Malaysia-MNS & Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), 2006-11-29)
      The amount of sugarcane bagasse and rice straw are abundant while its utilization are still limited. One of the alternatives for the bagasse and straw utilization are as pulp raw material. This paper reviews pulp produced ...
    • Isolation and charazterization of pulp from Perlis sugarcane bagasse and rice straw 

      Suhardy, Daud; Farhana Diyana, Mohd Yunos; Farizul Hafiz, Kasim; Saiful Azhar, Saad; Harbant, Singh (Forest Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM), 2005-08-16)
      The amount of sugarcane bagasse and rice straw in the state of Perlis (Malaysia) is abundant while its utilization is still limited. One of the alternatives for the bagasse and straw utilization is as pulp raw material. ...