Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Analysis of binary Aluminium-Magnesium products with varying compositions and optimum flowbility, tensile strength and hardness 

      Mohd Ichwan Nasution, Ir.; Murizam, Darus; Noor Mariamadzliza, Mohd Nan; Noor Azira, Mohd Noor; Kamrosni, Abdul Razak (Universiti Malaysia PerlisSchool of Materials Engineering, 2008)
      This reasearch is to investigate how far the influence on mechanical properties and microstructure of varying aluminium-magnesium alloy using CO2 moulding process. Casting is a process that can produce a complex and ...
    • The application of Fluidity Spiral in sand-mold casting 

      Mohd Ichwan, Nasution; Mohd Nasir, Zainal Arif; Che Mohd Ruzaidi, Ghazali; Shamsul Baharin, Jamaludin; Khairel Rafezi, Ahmad; Faizul, Che Pa; Mohd Fitri, Mohamad Wahid; Murizam, Darus (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), 2008-12-03)
      The term fluidity is always used in the cast-metals industry. Fluidity is the reciprocal of viscosity. The foundryman job is to search the amount of quantity that will permit him to evaluate the relative ability of a given ...
    • Role of clay (Bentonite) on mold making process in foundry metallurgy 

      Mohd Ichwan, Nasution; Mohd Nasir, Zainal Arif; Che Mohd Ruzaidi, Ghazali; Khairel Rafezi, Ahmad; Faizul, Che Pa; Mohd Fitri, Mohamad Wahid; Murizam, Darus (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), 2008-12-03)
      The foundry engineer is usually familiar with the fact that there are different types of clay,such as kaolinite and montmorillonite (bentonite). The bonding action of kaolinite in moulding sands results from the free ionic ...