Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Simulation of crack analysis on a plate with ellipse and small rivet holes 

      Mohd Sofian, Mohd Rosbi; Hazry, Desa; Nur Saifullah; Md Tasyrif, Abdul Rahman; Ishak, Ibrahim; Mohd Khairul Faizi, Abd Rahman (Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), 2009-06-20)
      This paper is about simulation of crack analysis on a plate with ellipse and small rivet holes. This simulation is show the condition on a plate which has 8 rivet holes around the ellipse hole. This dimension of the plat ...
    • A study of vibration analysis for gearbox casing using Finite Element analysis 

      Mohd Sofian, Mohammad Rosbi; Hazry, Desa; K. Saifullah; Md Tasyrif, Abdul Rahman; Khairul Salleh, Basaruddin; I. Ishak (Universiti Malaysia Perlis, 2009-10-11)
      This paper contains the study about vibration analysis for gearbox casing using Finite Element Analysis (FEA). The aim of this paper is to apply ANSYS software to determine the natural vibration modes and forced harmonic ...
    • Vision based robot positioning and recognition using artificial intelligent system 

      Fathinul-Syahir, Ahmad Sa'ad; Hazry, Desa, Dr.; Muhammad Juhairi Aziz, Safar; Md Tasyrif, Abdul Rahman (International Islamic University Malaysia (UIAM), 2008-12-18)
      Many applications using vision based automation system incorporating robotic technology have been developed in many sectors, such as land-based and aerial-based remote sensing for natural resources assessments, precision ...