Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Heart Caring "Handy" - Prototype 

      Retnasamy, Vithyacharan; R., Vijenthi; Sazali, Yaacob, Prof. Dr.; R., Nagarajan; Rizon, Juhari; Kenneth, Sundaraj; Shukry, Abd. Majid; Mohamad Hanif, Abd Hamid (Malaysian Invention and Design Society (MINDS), 2006-05-19)
      "Heart Carrying Handy" is designed to detect early abnormality in the heart pulse which will be deemed as a pre-heart attack sympton.
    • Modified energy based time-frequency features for classifying human emotions using EEG 

      M., Murugappan; R., Nagarajan; Sazali, Yaacob (Universiti Malaysia Perlis, 2009-10-11)
      In this paper we summarize the emotion recognition from the electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. The combination of surface Laplacian filtering, time-frequency analysis (Wavelet Transform) and linear classifiers are used ...