Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Legal issues in recycling 

      Sinha, Kazal, Ir.; Khew, Swee Lian, Ir. (The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia, 2004-01)
      Without appropriate resources and implementation, solid waste management has become a burden to the Local Governments. Suitable sites for disposal facilities are scarce due to the rapid urbanisation process. Recycling ...
    • Solid waste management in Taping, Perak : An effective approach towards a sustainable environment 

      Roslaili, Abdul Aziz; Mohd Nazry, S.; Salwa, Mohd Zaini Makhtar; Ain Nihla, Kamarudzaman (Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)Faculty of Resource Science & Technology, 2009-08-03)
      As in all developing countries, cities in Malaysia are facing serious problems of environmental pollution mainly caused by the insufficient and inefficient final disposal of their generated solid wastes. This has lead to ...
    • Treatment of food waste by using indigenous microorganisms (IMO) 

      Hasiah, Zani (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2014-06)
      Systematic and efficient solid waste management is important to ensure that it will not give a negative effect to the environment, human and other living things on the earth. The knowledge of chemical and physical ...
    • Work of solid waste contractor in Perlis to be checked 

      Anon (New Straits Times, 2012-08-25)