Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Design and development of mini air compressor for vehicles application 

      Muhammad Iqbal, Ab Razak (Universiti Malaysia PerlisSchool of Manufacturing Engineering, 2009-05)
      As the synopsis, I Muhammad Iqbal b Ab Razak would like to say thank you to our lecturer as supervisor for give me the chance to design a new product so I can create a new idea to apply at my project. The primary target ...
    • Thermal investigation of a holweck turbomolecular pump 

      Entezamipazhoh, M.; Sepiani, H. (Universiti Malaysia Perlis, 2009-10-11)
      In this research, a holweck turbomolecular pump subjected to operation condition is studied thermally. Geometrical dimensions and mechanical properties as well as operation condition, including pressure and temperature of ...